Born into a Christian family in Dallas, Texas, God's hand was at work in Julie's life from the beginning. While at summer camp, Julie couldn't resist her Savior's call, and at age nine, she surrendered her life, and her heart to his leading.

Two years later, after moving to Utah, insecurity began to take hold. Over time, her strong convictions began to weaken. As a teenager, Julie struggled to reconcile the “ways of the world” with her Christian faith. Her heart grew distant, and the shame she felt over her actions widened the chasm.

After marrying the love of her life and discovering the undeserved gift of her first child, Julie’s heart returned with passion to her Savior. She finally understood her Father’s abundant love, and she fell deeply in love with Him. To this day, Julie praises God for all that she experienced during the darkest moments of her life.

After giving birth to twins, Julie found herself longing for fellowship with other women who shared her love for Christ. Coffee Talk began as an informal Bible study with friends at various coffee shops around the city. As the group steadily grew, the need for structure became apparent. With little know-how, Julie moved out in faith and began teaching and writing small group studies for women. Julie believes that her calling is to teach Biblical holiness to a wayward generation. "I have been sent to bring faith to those God has chosen and to teach them to know the truth that shows them how to live godly lives" (Titus 1:1, NLT).

In 2012, the West family answered God's invitation to leave their familiar home in Salt Lake City, Utah, to "go out" to a land that He would show them (Genesis 12:1; Hebrews 11:8). Today, they are settled north of Atlanta, Georgia, where Julie's husband is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Alpharetta and Julie is teaching God's Word with passion.

As a wife, mother, daughter, and friend, Julie desires to live out the truths she teaches. God’s Word challenges her to live a life of great faith and no compromise, which she is compelled to share with others. Julie’s youthful enthusiasm and her love for Jesus, is seen in her speaking and writing. Her greatest desire is to see all women professing faith in Jesus Christ, intimately devoted to and passionately serving Him.